10 Tips Which Shall Change Your Life.. OverNight

The top ten quick and easy tips to achieve happiness in life. This is also the first blog from our mental fitness series. Developing your physical body is only half the game one, but what about your overall happiness levels in life, your peace levels in life your communication skills, your ability to understand other people, your ability to succeed, and hustle in life.
The Ten Quick and Easy Tips To Achieve Happiness...
1. As most of you can predict constantly moving your body is what your body is meant to do. 
A regular amount of exercise will make your body move forward, and if you don't make your body move forward, it's not going to stay in the same place it's going to move backwards. 
The second important factor that a lot of people don't talk about much is meditation, just like exercising works your body in meditation works your mind. Those are the two most important things that you can do for yourself as a human being.
2. Learn from the successful people the people who've been through everything in life. remember, you're surrounded by several people and about one to 10% of those have become successful in life. Podcasts, Video Interviews, Written Interviews. 
Learn how successful people work, how successful people think and learn how they live out their life. you've gained a lot from podcast get into a habit of listening to a podcast.
3. Perceptions. 
Two kinds yourself perception and the way people perceive you your self-perception is the most important thing you can carry into any room because if you look at yourself as a loser than people are going to look at you as a loser but if you perceive yourself as a winner boom!! People look at you as a winner.
That's one side of things the way you look at yourself ,but the other side of things is how people look at you and unfortunately in the superficial world that we live in that boils down to your external appearance, how you dress up, how you carry yourself, how you interact with people your etiquette your manners. work on both these factors, and it's going to change your world in terms of happiness.
4. Priming yourself, that's preparing yourself at the beginning of a difficult situation or a difficult day in your life. This is also the most people go wrong because on difficult days they go in with the mentality of being a victim or trying to conquer something, instead of going with the mentality of a winner, going to the mentality of a conqueror. 
Take ten minutes at the beginning of your day maybe fifteen minutes of the beginning of your daily exercise, meditate or just spend that time with yourself and tell yourself that you're capable of conquering that particular situation or day in fact you can do this every single day treat like a mission that you're down to accomplish.
5. Life is like a videogame, 
in a video game you try levelling upend at each level up your brain releases a bit of dopamine that's a feel-good hormone if you create your life like a video game, if you have a long-term goal constantly, and you're constantly working towards it every time you achieve a little bit in that whole process of achieving that long-term goal, it gives you a dopamine kick it gives you a few feel-good hormones and that feel-good hormone is what will keep you happy event your lowest points in life.
6. Before diagnosing yourself with depression or sadness. First make sure that the correct people surround you, never ever let people's opinions affect you especially if someone telling you that you can't do something they usually just putting themselves in your place and figuring man I wouldn't be able to do this thing that this person is doing so how the hell is this person trying to achieve that impossible act. 

The second thing you've got to keep in mind is that usually, human beings are negative for one of two reasons either they're going through some negativity in their own lives and that excess negativity is coming out on you or the second options if they're just negative people in general. You know those people who always see things about other human beings or situations. kinds of people you want to cut them off completely remember you are an average of the five people you choose to hang out with the most and if a lot of those five people are negative people foregoing to turn into a negative person choose wisely.
7. Learn to switch off completely practice the state of mindfulness. 
When you're working be 100% into your work but when you're outside and when you're having fun be 100% in the fun don't think of work don't think of the stresses you have in life only focus on the fun, if a question about work arises in your brain push it down intentionally switch off from your works practice the fun.
8. Learn how to balance your demons every single human being like some demon that they turn to for fun whether that's television, PlayStation, alcohol, cigarettes maybe all these things are bad for you in some way or the other. 
Firstly acknowledge that fact and secondly limit yourself with those demons. If you feel like something is affecting you very badly say something like cigarettes some of the demons needs to be gotten rid of completely or minimized completely but if it's something less harmful like PlayStation then learns how to balance out your demons with the rest of your life. 
person holding game controller in-front of television
Always have fun with your demons but never let them take over the rest of your life let any demons become an addiction.
9. It's gratitude. Every single day beware of what life has given you remember if you're using the phone, or you're using the internet you're probably in the Top 10% of all human beings in the world from a financial perspective.
Technology and a financial cushion is something that a lot of people are denied in life first be aware of that fact appreciated the much more bless than you can imagine but if you still can't understand this concept of gratitude the easy solutions that every single morning when you get up the first words that leave your mouth should be a thank you, not the God not of the universe but to the life you've been given you a much more blessed and much luckier than you give yourself credit force aware of that and be happy in the happiness that you've been given.
10. This shall help you a lot of advanced meditation courses there is a kind of meditation that you can do at home, but there are some forms of meditation which will your life forever, and for those kinds of meditations you need to go to an actual centre and learn that kind of meditation.

See You Later.....


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