The truth of the matter is that no research says weight training would stunt your growth. Then, Why is the myth present? A lot of people associate weight training with Olympic weightlifting. Olympic weightlifters are generally a little bit shorter; if you are shorter, you're better in weightlifting sport.
I'm assuming that's where the myth has come, that weight training makes people shorter. When you say the word weight training, people they automatically associated with bulky bodybuilders, and anyone who's a little bit extra bulky tends to look a little bit short and squarish. That's probably where the assumption has come. But the truth is that weight training has no role to play in how to stall you're going to grow.
Only Two Factors decide your height --
1. Your genetics does how tall your parents are and
2. Your lifestyle, if in your growing years you have a proper diet and the right amount of rest.
Also, weight training can affect your height in two ways --
Firstly, your epiphyseal growth plates are plates of cartilage at the end of long bones, especially in your limbs at the end of your limb bones, at the end of your thighbones and all the bones in your legs you'll find these plates. How does someone grow tall? Girls grow tall till they are about 18 years old and the boy grow till they are 21 years old. Growth happens up to the point where you reach your height potential that our genetics decides potential. Till the age of 21 you'll keep growing your bones will keep growing they'll keep elongating, and they extend because of these growth plates. Once you're 21 and you reach your height potential that's when the growth plates stop working.
Weight training can harm the growth of these bones if your acquisition growth plates get damaged contrary, to accessible belief weight training doesn't affect these growth plates in anyway.
Example - When we take NFL, and NBA athletes in the modern-days start their weight training before the age of 11 or 12.
People believe that it might affect your growth plates. It might compress your spine, or by any chance, you end up damaging your growth plates in the gym, maybe to doing an exercise wrong, if you drop a heavy barbell or dumbbell on your limbs that is when your growth plates will get damaged. That's when it'll end up affecting your height. You got to remember weight training is an art format, a very technical subject, and if you want to avoid injury, you need to know the form of the exercises.
How to perform an exercise correctly?
If you want to learn the correct technique of weight training --
1. Your main job is to perform the exercise correctly
2. Stay far away from injury weight training will not harm your height potential. Some studies show that weight training releases more human growth hormone. When you're going to the gym, you're damaging your muscle cells; you're creating micro days and repairing those micro days your body's going to release little extra human growth hormones.
That human growth hormone, in the long run, might help you reach your height potential faster or even probably overtaking your high potential. Weight training won't directly affect your height, but it might indirectly affect your height.
To reach your maximum height potential. There are two key requirements.
1. You should have a very good diet. A high protein complex, carbohydrates, and good fats.
2. You have to get a lot of rest, especially if you're in your growing years. If you're a teenager, you need to get at least eight to nine hours of good quality sleep.
Those rules apply to every single teenager but, if you're in the weight training or any physical activity that's intense you're putting a lot of load on your body and for your body to repair all that load efficiently, you need even more risk than normal. You need to be very serious about how much sleep you get, and obviously, you need to be very serious about the diet you pack up your exercise regime.
If you want to maximize your height potential you have to learn about clean eating and getting a lot of rest means a lot of good quality eight to nine hours of sleep. If you want to grow as tall as possible those are the two ground rules but, if you're someone who's heavily into weight training as a teenager the other thing you've got to keep in mind is that you shouldn't be pushing too hard in every single workout.
Whenever you're doing a set up till the point where you can't perform any more reps where your muscles give up and you have to put the weight down it's that point where your trainer will come and lift the weight for you. as a teenager that's what you want to avoid you must not go to 100% failure in every single step. remember failure is a very good tool for putting on muscle mass but if you overdo it, it's putting too much load on your body and it can make you injured in the long run. one aspect especially if you're still growing taller is that you need fewer days more than the average adult so for an average adult the general protocol is that you can go up to about three days of back-to-back weight training and then you need a day of rest but if you are a teenagers you have to follow 2 days of weight training and one day of rest and not more than two days of training. this is the best phase for you put on muscle mass and that one extra day of rest will go a long way in helping you get that dream body.
Four ground rules which help to reach your maximum height potential --
1. Get serious about sleep, get serious about the quality of sleep.
2. Educate yourself about good, and correct eating habits go and
3. You need to understand the proper scientific way about doing your training. Learn the correct form get enough rest and don't go to failure on every set.
4. You shouldn't listen to your parents all the time. You got to understand that our parents grew up at a different time than us and they haven't grown up with YouTube and Blogs and all these scientific concepts around them. Learn and educate society.
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