Secrets of a woman’s mind ๐ –
dating psychology ๐
One aspect of dating relationships and attraction is the
female psychology aspect. So in today's blog, we're talking about the biggest
turn-ons when it comes to women but purely from a psychological perspective the
biggest mental toning' for girls in this blog you will able to learn how to
understand a woman better and use it to your advantage to become more
attractive more elegant and more charming.
1. Loyalty/Honesty/Trustworthiness.
First, you've got to understand the potential loyalty scale,
it is the most crucial thing in your life if you want to look more charming and
attractive so the higher your up on the scale, the more attractive you are, the
lower you're on the scale, the less attractive you are.
Factors -----
- Honesty like how honest you are in your daily life.
- Kindness and Calmness, like how kind you are to everyone
around you.
Behaviour with other people like are you making fun of other
people or kind to other people
Those factors put you up on the scale, but if you lie and manipulate
people or less very temper easily and especially if you're rude the people
around you that put you know low on the scale. Women determine all these factors, and they'll place you on the scale and the higher your placement on the scale, the more attractive you'll.
Women enjoy being around a man who likes babies and puppies if you're a
nice guy everyone gravitates towards you especially then women, but after
knowing this fact of life, you also need to remember not to manipulate people.
Genuinely try being nice in your life also try being honest in your life
because women are very intuitive,
they're keen and they can spot all the guy who's trying to put on a facade who are trying to be fake in front of them, for the sake of both your love life
and your professional life just be a good guy it'll take you really far. Just stay yourself, don't fake it.
2. Balanced ambition in life one thing women love in a man
is ambition if you've got huge goals if you want to make a lot of money if you
want to get famous women to love that trade. Women love seeing driving a guy,
but one thing women don't love is obsession when it comes to your work don't be
that guy who only speaks about work, office or goals all the time. Learn to
switch off once in a while that's what women love. It's not just about the
ambition; it's about the balanced ambition. Balance out your drive and your
passion with other chilled conversation, learn to talk about things other than
just your work talk about travel, books, philosophy, history, food. Women love
a guy who can balance out his drive in his work life with hobbies that are not
so serious instead chilled hobbies that make her comfortable also remember to
be a good conversationalist. You're only
going to be a good conversationalist if you can talk about something other than
your work other than your job other than your own life.
3. I'm going to make this game easier for you. A woman loves
a guy with a great Sense of Humour if you can make her laugh she's going to
love you. Firstly you've got to understand why does this happen why does a
woman love a guy with a great sense of humour.
You shall have two reasons ---
1. Whenever a woman laughs, the good hormones inside him are
slightly raised and those good hormones inside her signals to her brain and
thinks she is associated with a guy who has good times
and good vibes.
2. Laughing is associated with comfort, more than laughing
she wants to feel comfortable around you if she can be comfortable around you
it means she's also going to be attracted to you. Here, the game is not to make
her laugh all the time you're not a stand-up comedian you don't need to crack
jokes constantly, but you've got to make her feel comfortable. Don't stammer or
panic yourself, if a joke is rising within you let it out, think that she's
your best friend and let out your honest thoughts your honest jokes.
Remember a girl is trying to see the raw, most honest form of your brain put that out on
the table if she doesn't enjoy being around you. That's okay there's a lot of
girls out there you might eventually find someone who enjoys your sense of
humour, but the core aspect of this is comfort laughs and honesty.
4. Being the First Mover. Now one thing that women find very
attractive in a guy is confidence but Why do they find confidence attractive?
Because having confidence signals that you've overcome your self-doubt your
fear and gone and executed on a specific task. For example, when you go up and
talk to a girl when you make the first move or when you text her first, the
girl knows that he's confident in himself and he's taken that decision and
texted me or come and spoken to me first. This trade women find very attractive
Now, one more aspect of this first move. This aspect is about something you'll understand later in life when you start dating the lady; you'll know that women think differently from men. Men work based on instruction you tell them to do something they'll do it, and you tell them not to do it they won't do it.
Now, one more aspect of this first move. This aspect is about something you'll understand later in life when you start dating the lady; you'll know that women think differently from men. Men work based on instruction you tell them to do something they'll do it, and you tell them not to do it they won't do it.
Women work on intuition and guessing so that she might
signal things to you, but she may not express her desire, she may not tell you
precisely what she wants, and you have to imagine words based on the signals
that she's giving you. That's where being a first mover and being an active
decision maker comes in a play if you guys can't decide where to go and have
dinner you make that decision and if she ever needs help with something go and
help her fix that problem if you follow your instinct as a guy and you're a
problem solver and a decision maker she'll really enjoy seeing that in you but
at the same time don't do any mansplaining. That's basically when you try
explaining things to her because you think that she hasn't got it, a lot of
women get extremely turned off by mansplaining so being a balanced first mover
once again remember boys it's all about
5. Having a Childlike Enthusiasm and openness, you've got to
remember that, if you get into a relationship with a lady you're never going to
agree on everything all the boxes are never going to be ticked. You guys are
going to have a difference of opinions so when a girl is figuring out whether
or not she finds you attractive, that's something she looks out for, are you
open to someone else's opinions can you agree to disagree with hope if she
tells you an idea. Do you have the ability in you to process that opinion and
maybe change your mind a little bit if you have that ability? That's something
she finds very attractive, but it's not just about openness to opinions, it's
also about transparency to new experiences. Especially if there's something
that she knows you don't enjoy like say going for a movie she enjoys going for
a film you don't enjoy going to a movie, but you still take that extra step and
do it for her she's going to love you. So once in a while, get out of your
comfort zone don't keep your ego in the way and do things former with an open
7. Mental Etiquette. Etiquette other manners that you learn
to be more attractive especially in certain situations where someone else needs
some help one mental etiquette, so physical etiquette is where you're putting
someone else's comfort ahead of your mental comfort etiquette is where putting
someone else happiness forward of your own satisfaction known to be that
boyfriend or that guy who's encouraging who's kind who helps sort out a problem
if she needs help that's another aspect that women find very attractive once
again that just boils down to being a right person and being someone who's kind
and helpful three most essential traits in life. Also, remember that being confident of being attractive even boys under your fashion sense, so we've got a basic men's time.
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