See, finding your style is not about having a closet full of
clothes. It's about knowing how to use the clothes you have and the small
accessories that help you increase your style and look better. Sadly, that's
the part that most guys overlook. You aren't most guys though because of today,
I'm going to say you seven essential style accessories that every man should
own, that not only will help improve your style but also how you look.
1. Grooming Kit, Essential for every guy in town. It's
essential for when incomes to hygiene, everything from tweezers when you need
to do your eyebrows, making sure you're cleaning your nails, making sure you
get rid of a hangnail, so many little things that guys don't take care of and you
can by just spending $15 ₹800-1000.
2. Your Scent/Perfume, having a good cologne. I can't tell
you what scent will smell good on you because everybody has different levels,
but there are tons of reviews online that you can find to get you started to
find which scent works best for you.

The idea is that you want to have a pleasant fragrance that way every morning you can spray one or two sprays to
make sure that you smell good all day and you're attracting women. This again
adds to your overall style of how you smell important.
3. Glasses. Glasses are a must; glasses are so important when
it comes to your style. Not only does it improve your style, but it hides
imperfections. Glasses are perfectly symmetrical; when you put something
balanced on your face, it makes your face look symmetrical. Therefore, it gives
your face structure and makes you look more attractive. If you don't know where
to start, usually Club Masters and Aviators are the most stylish glasses
because they tend to fit almost every face shape.

4. Having Proper Jewellery, this is another area where most
guys don't pay any attention to it. But the reality is that giving that extra
effort, whether it be adding a necklace to a street style look or adding a
bracelet instantly makes your outfit look better.
Brand Shown - ROSE GOLD & BLACK.
5. Good Hair Comb.
This is one of those essential tools that will lead to the perfect hairstyle
every single time. A metal hair comb. Why do I recommend this? I've gone
through a series of plastic and tortoiseshell, and they all always end up
either chipping or morphing from the heat that uses from a blow dryer. So, I'm
always replacing them regularly, well recently got a metal one. Not only is it
sharp, gives me precise hairstyle, but it doesn't break down as fast as
plasticines would, and it's just as affordable.
6. A Watch with a Watch Box.
Brands like Viceroy and Original Grain
watches are pretty darn sexy. But an accessory that I never talked about that
every guy does need is, either watch box or a watch winder box, depending on
what your collection consists of. The thing is that you don't want to have your
watches just lying there.

You want to have them neatly position in a box, not
only is it make you choose the watch in the morning to go with the outfit that
you're putting together. But it's also going to protect them; it's going to
keep a must-read if you have an automatic watch, I do recommend a watch winder
box. It's not a necessity, but it does help you avoid having to reset your
watch every time you want to wear that automatic timepiece.
7. A Proper Backpack.
Don't buy something that's easily confused as a purse. Buy something that looks
good, whether it be a backpack because you're in school, a satchel or
briefcase. It all depends on what stage in life you are. But make sure whatever
bag you buy it's a good one, a stylish one, that's going to again look good
with your overall outfit. Cheapening out here it's not something you want to
do, wearing a camping backpack with the suit looks ridiculous.
Alright, guys, those are seven style accessories most guys
overlook but are a must in your wardrobe. If you guys found it informative,
keep following “” see you next time!
Be the BEST 👌 of Yours' !!
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