7 Myths of Sex and Masturbation !!

One of the World’s Favourite Topic’s Sex and Masturbation ----

Busted with the help of science. Human beings are the most evolved animals on the planet when animals reach an age of sexual maturity, they go out looking for a mate have sex and reproduce. human beings reach them sexual maturity somewhere in the teenage and because of the society we live-in obviously. You can't go out looking for a mate in your teenage that's why people ‘masturbate’ and it's not only humans who masturbate even animal masturbate, seriously elephants Hyenas and even monkeys they all flick their beans. But in some parts of the world even physical contact is considered taboo in a world where physical contact is considered taboo obviously the act of sex and any action related to the act of sex but which is about masturbation is considered even more taboo understand the word propaganda.
First, propaganda is basically when a part of society wants you to believe a certain thought. So, they throw it in your face like listen to how the truth of these masturbation myths are just propaganda they're not backed by any scientific evidence and it's just a section of society that's kind of just shocked and surprised through this idea of sex they overhyping it and trying to make you believe that sex and masturbation are two very evil things. Now so you'll see a lot of 12-14 year-olds who just discovered masturbating, it's not evil it's not bad karma it's completely natural just like eating or having a bath, you've done it and also your dad's done it your granddad’s done it.
Seven myths about masturbation busted with the help of science so let’s go myth—Condom, Hold, Sex, Akt, Bedroom, Contraception, Health

      1.  Masturbation affects your hands and even your ambition and drive in life this myth is a typical propaganda myth. Now keep in mind what is masturbation ?? It’s basically you simulating the act offset with your hand your body doesn't know whether you had sex or whether you masturbated the things that are going on in your body are the same in both cases so does that mean that if masturbation affects your health with sex also affect your health, reduce your immunity, make you fall ill more often ?? if that were the case we’d see diseased and ill people all around us because believe it or not India is the second most populated country in the world we're living in the land of the Kama Sutra we're a country obsessed with sex but not all of us are sick and diseased masturbation has nothing to do with your immunity or your health if anything because of the constant dopamine and endorphins release it’s kind of a the recovery process for your body a little bit of masturbation once in a while a little bit of sex once in a while is very healthy any doctor tells you that masturbation or sex is unhealthy is probably getting too old for this world he's a part of that propaganda Club the only time masturbation or sex can be bad for you is if you overdo it just like anything else in your life in excess obviously, it’s going to be bad masturbation is bad if you do it to the point of sexual exhaustion that means if you do it to the point where you can’t even get your penis up again that's bad when you're trying to strain your own body part just for that little bit of pleasure in the form of your orgasm don’t ever overdo it you should only do it when you're sexually aroused.
 I’ll also, address that whole… How many times should you masturbate ?? which is rolling in your minds Question? Yes, some people become slightly tired after the act of masturbation because your body increases the levels of a hormone called prolactin which kind of gives you an effect of feeling a little bit fatigued but as long as you shag only once in a while when you're sexually aroused you're in the safe zone.
      2. Masturbation affects the hair on you scalp and the hair on your palms. How hairy you all how bald was completely decided by your genetics you can’t really change the number of hair follicles under your skin, you born with a certain number of hair follicles under your skin you're born with a particular hair texture that you cannot change at any point in your life, you won't go bald if your parents don't carry bald genes if your relatives are bald or to carry the ball gene that's what it makes you go bald and unless you've got that balding gene then just like the above myth when you’re reading about health the kind of hair you have the kind of balding level you have is decided by your lifestyle you take care of your diet your exercise and your lifestyle you avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking and you'll be in the safe zone.
      3. Masturbation affects your eyesight, again propaganda myths there's no scientific relation between the two things the only the way in which masturbation can affect your eyesight is if you watch porn all day on that little phone screen of yours, you only affect your eyesight if you strain your eyes constantly they’re always constantly looking at screens or you’re constantly straining your eyes in the middle of your book that's what it’ll cause you to get spectacles  or strain your eyesight.
Woman Hugging Her Husband
   4. Masturbation will affect your testosterone levels and hence will affect your ability to put on muscle mass. Your blood testosterone levels do not reduce if you masturbate or have sex often. There are studies that show the correlation between healthy testosterone levels in your bloodstream and a healthy sex life i.e regular sex or masturbation. But there are no studies that show a correlation between masturbating often and seeing a drop in your testosterone levels so this myth is primarily down to all those uneducated gym trainers who tell you to avoid masturbating to build muscle but it’s also down to some boxers in the past I’m talking about Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson they were famous for not having sex or masturbating before their fights now this was actually because they felt slightly lower energy levels which could be because of a spike in prolactin levels in your bloodstream after sex or masturbation while the training for the fight they'd want to keep the energy levels high and prolactin might have got in the way of that training that's why they avoided sex or masturbation nothing to do with testosterone.
   5.  Masturbation affects the power of your brain and your memory once again down to that feeling of fatigue, thanks to increased levels of prolactin after sexier masturbation has nothing to do with the power of your brain or memory what it will help you in is if you’re someone who's dealing with insomnia if you're ever struggling to sleep thanks to something called the restless leg syndrome that's when you ‘retrying to sleep in your bed but your legs are feeling super energetic you want to walk around that's when the actor sex or masturbating can help you sleep actually and a good night's rest is basically linked to better processing power for your brain so maybe masturbation actually helps your brain.
   6.  Masturbation causes acne. This myth originates from the life of a teenager who's prone to acne but it's also prone to being horny and that's why most people think “okay teenagers masturbate teenagers get pimples such masturbation causes pimples” but in truth a bunch of things actually cause you to get acne masturbation is not one of those things.
   7.  The most common most comical myths of them all ejaculation or orgasming. Firstly understand the difference between sperm or sperm count and semen sperm is a reproductive cell and there is a total limit on how many sperms your body will be able to produce in your lifetime but you’ll only be able to reach that limit way into your old age. For example, Charlie Chaplin had a child at the age of 73. Semen, on the other hand, is a bodily fluid think of it like spit it’s produced by the glands in your genital area and if you don't get rid of semen through an orgasm once in a while your body will end up getting rid of semen through nightfall. Nightfall or ejaculating during the process of sleep also a normal occurrence but if you are suffering from nightfall very often it’s time masturbate.
Man and Woman Lying on Bed

  • The REAL QUESTION is how many times can you masturbate and still be safe and avoid all these bad effects that we have supposedly told masturbation causes the truth is that it's different for everyone.
 One Golden rule is that you should only masturbate when you’re sexually aroused. Some people masturbate once a day some people must be thrice away and that's alright for them, the only thing you should keep in mind is that you shouldn't make masturbation a habit, so the ground rule is that on the upper end at a maximum you want to masturbate between one to three times a day depending on your level of horniness basically your own sexual drive but that doesn't mean you have to masturbate once every day if you masturbate once a week that's alright you will get the health benefits of sex and masturbation and you won't bounder doing it remember always follow your sexual drive masturbation is completely natural it's completely safe.
But there are two situations in which you can go wrong with masturbation. One is obviously masturbating to the point of sexual exhaustion. Secondly getting addicted to porn through masturbation, just remember to stay away from porn don’t rely on porn in order to masturbate.

Don't Forget to LAUGH 😁... LOL
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