Money, fame, and success. Two factors decide them --
The ability to work hard,
The correct career mindset.
I believe that before getting out into the real world, you've got to work on improving every bit of your mindset.
These are my top three teenage lessons that I've felt have helped me more than anything in life –
1. People who make fun of you, people who doubt you, people who break your heart are the same people who help you grow in life. Let someone make fun of your weight use it as motivation but, someone tell you that you won't do well in life use it as fuel. Your future is only in your hands. If you feel like an inferior now, that's okay. Life is a constant, self-improvement process. You can choose to sit and feel wrong about people and feel bad about your situation, or you can choose to grow every aspect of life and become that best version of yourself.
2. Your flaws are much smaller than you think. Whether it's the acne on your face or that extra bit of fat on your stomach, the truth about life is that nobody is perfect. The truth about life is that you notice your flaws more than anybody else notice them in this world that's full of fakeness and insecurity, you must learn to love yourself. There are things that you can't change about yourself, and then there are things that you can choose to work on external factors that you can change with the help of correct knowledge. For the things that you can never change like your hair, your skin colour, your nose, learn to love those things they make you who you are. For the things that can be changed up do your best to learn more about them. The clothes you choose to wear, the little factors related to your external appearance, it's all changeable. You're going from being a child to becoming an adult, and all this is a part of becoming an adult. With external confidence, you 'll give rise to internal confidence, and with internal confidence, you'll give rise to internal happiness.
3. The biggest teenage life lesson of them all. Never let marks define you. The sad truth is that we've been brought up in a world where we were told that marks would determine how happy you'll be in your life, but the real truth is that marks will only determine the first few chapters of your career. Five to ten years into your career, nobody will care about which college you're from or how many marks you've scored in mathematics. They care about how good you are at what you choose to do. They care about the kind of human being you are. They care about how much love you put into everything that you do.
Right now, your parents and your teachers might be putting pressure on you, but that's only because they want to protect their reputations. When they say that you've embarrassed them, it's only their way of motivating you in life. They're just looking out for you. So, don't feel bad. If you scored badly, it's just a small dot on the timeline of your life. Your marks don't decide your future, but the hustle in the rest of your life decides it. At every stage of your life, hustle towards becoming that best version of yourself. Hustle towards loving every piece of who you are.

The three-point formula for success in life is this -
One - love people, love your life. Two - have gratitude for everything that the world has given you. Three - focus on happiness, focus on all the positives of your situation, your life, and who you are. You're beautiful, the more beautiful than you can ever imagine, but it's for you to realize that.


How to Meditate?
I honestly feel that even from a health and fitness perspective meditation is important.
Meditation can turn your life around. Meditation has a very crucial part to play in that journey of you reaching your maximum potential. A lot of successful people all over the world like Steve Jobs, Hugh Jackman and even Shane Watson have talented meditation to enhance the rest of their life. Shane Watson, one of cricket's greatest all-rounders in the modern era, has said that towards the end of his career meditation is has been cope with injury and muscle recovery.
Which are just a few of the benefits of meditation? 
A recent study done is UCLA show that people who meditate have a higher level of gyrification in your brain. Gyrification means the folds in the cortex of your brain and these enhance the amount of folds linked with faster processing power. You're essentially becoming smarter, and your brains are growing faster and more active through meditation. Long-term meditation has linked with more gyrification. The more you meditate, the more your gyrification and the more processing power.
So mainly, you can think of meditation as some brain workout where you're enhancing the power of your brain by just meditating for 10-20 minutes a day.
They've also been studies that show that meditation changes certain parts of your brain. It increases the size of those parts that are linked with happiness, ability to learn, to memorize and to focus. Meditation has also been linked to decrease those areas that are linked with depression and stress. Radically you're just enhancing your overall state of being through something as simple as meditation.

How do you go about meditation?
The first thing you need to understand is that everyone's got their definitions of what meditation is, it's a very subjective concept. How to go about this process and I do promise you is that if you follow the guidelines I'm sitting down it will make a difference to your life. The theoretical definition of meditation is that it's a disconnect. People say that when you meditate, you're just super disconnected from your real-life. Don't think of too many things you're just supposed to concentrate on your breath, which for the average person is kind of hard to do. You can't just sit in one place and meditate and disconnect from everything else. You're going to have a lot of other thoughts in your head. What you need to understand is that this is entirely normal; it's human nature.

A Step-by-Step Guide of 
How to meditate and try minimizing these thoughts in your head?
You have to sit down in a quiet place ideally in complete darkness, and you fold your legs sit cross-legged, and you keep your arms comfortable. You can even sit down on a chair if you find that comfortable and then you can begin your meditation process.
Mindfulness meditation is essentially you taking a deep breath, you inhale completely and exhale. All you do to concentrate on is your breath, and you do this for about 20 minutes. The trick here is to avoid thinking about twenty other things; you've consciously tried to focus and do this for 20 minutes every single day. If 20 minutes seems like a lot, you can start by doing it for about 10 minutes a day. But the key is to get yourself to do this. Every time you open your eyes after meditation session promise you, you'll be a lot calmer, and the world will feel different. The above was completely about mindfulness meditation where you focus on a single thing and distract yourself from every other thought and in this case, it's your breath.  I've observed people couldn't go about doing mindfulness meditation as a beginner.
The meditation that I practice and recommend to other people is something called aum chanting meditation. This has nothing to do with Hinduism or God or religion. What you got to understand is that aum is a real distraction for your mind. When you're chanting aum, it's that same destruction that has you disconnect from your real life. You just got to sit in a comfortable place ideally in complete darkness and take a deep breath and let out aum, for 75% of your breath you're going to chant the "au", and for 25% of the breath you are going to chant the "m".
Don't worry too much about the technique; it's not about how you sit or how you chant. It's just about getting yourselves to chanting aum every single day that was going to make a difference. You know when you go to the gym, and you just get disconnected from life, and you feel great after the gym. Thanks to all those feel-good hormones meditation is just another way of releasing all those feel-good hormones after a point of you make it a habit become your disconnect it becomes a source of recreation, and that's where you want to reach.

Create a habit push yourself to meditate and make you meditate for at least 10 to 20 minutes every single day.



Society believes that weight training will stunt your growth and harm your joint.
The truth of the matter is that no research says weight training would stunt your growth. Then, Why is the myth present? A lot of people associate weight training with Olympic weightlifting. Olympic weightlifters are generally a little bit shorter; if you are shorter, you're better in weightlifting sport.
I'm assuming that's where the myth has come, that weight training makes people shorter. When you say the word weight training, people they automatically associated with bulky bodybuilders, and anyone who's a little bit extra bulky tends to look a little bit short and squarish. That's probably where the assumption has come. But the truth is that weight training has no role to play in how to stall you're going to grow.
Only Two Factors decide your height --
1. Your genetics does how tall your parents are and
2. Your lifestyle, if in your growing years you have a proper diet and the right amount of rest.
Also, weight training can affect your height in two ways --
Firstly, your epiphyseal growth plates are plates of cartilage at the end of long bones, especially in your limbs at the end of your limb bones, at the end of your thighbones and all the bones in your legs you'll find these plates. How does someone grow tall? Girls grow tall till they are about 18 years old and the boy grow till they are 21 years old. Growth happens up to the point where you reach your height potential that our genetics decides potential. Till the age of 21 you'll keep growing your bones will keep growing they'll keep elongating, and they extend because of these growth plates. Once you're 21 and you reach your height potential that's when the growth plates stop working.

Weight training can harm the growth of these bones if your acquisition growth plates get damaged contrary, to accessible belief weight training doesn't affect these growth plates in anyway.
Example - When we take NFL, and NBA athletes in the modern-days start their weight training before the age of 11 or 12.
People believe that it might affect your growth plates. It might compress your spine, or by any chance, you end up damaging your growth plates in the gym, maybe to doing an exercise wrong, if you drop a heavy barbell or dumbbell on your limbs that is when your growth plates will get damaged. That's when it'll end up affecting your height. You got to remember weight training is an art format, a very technical subject, and if you want to avoid injury, you need to know the form of the exercises.
How to perform an exercise correctly?
If you want to learn the correct technique of weight training --
1. Your main job is to perform the exercise correctly 
2. Stay far away from injury weight training will not harm your height potential. Some studies show that weight training releases more human growth hormone. When you're going to the gym, you're damaging your muscle cells; you're creating micro days and repairing those micro days your body's going to release little extra human growth hormones.
That human growth hormone, in the long run, might help you reach your height potential faster or even probably overtaking your high potential. Weight training won't directly affect your height, but it might indirectly affect your height.
To reach your maximum height potential. There are two key requirements.
1. You should have a very good diet. A high protein complex, carbohydrates, and good fats.
2. You have to get a lot of rest, especially if you're in your growing years. If you're a teenager, you need to get at least eight to nine hours of good quality sleep.
Those rules apply to every single teenager but, if you're in the weight training or any physical activity that's intense you're putting a lot of load on your body and for your body to repair all that load efficiently, you need even more risk than normal. You need to be very serious about how much sleep you get, and obviously, you need to be very serious about the diet you pack up your exercise regime.
If you want to maximize your height potential you have to learn about clean eating and getting a lot of rest means a lot of good quality eight to nine hours of sleep. If you want to grow as tall as possible those are the two ground rules but, if you're someone who's heavily into weight training as a teenager the other thing you've got to keep in mind is that you shouldn't be pushing too hard in every single workout.

Whenever you're doing a set up till the point where you can't perform any more reps where your muscles give up and you have to put the weight down it's that point where your trainer will come and lift the weight for you. as a teenager that's what you want to avoid you must not go to 100% failure in every single step. remember failure is a very good tool for putting on muscle mass but if you overdo it, it's putting too much load on your body and it can make you injured in the long run. one aspect especially if you're still growing taller is that you need fewer days more than the average adult so for an average adult the general protocol is that you can go up to about three days of back-to-back weight training and then you need a day of rest but if you are a teenagers you have to follow 2 days of weight training and one day of rest and not more than two days of training. this is the best phase for you put on muscle mass and that one extra day of rest will go a long way in helping you get that dream body.
Four ground rules which help to reach your maximum height potential --
1. Get serious about sleep, get serious about the quality of sleep.
2. Educate yourself about good, and correct eating habits go and
3. You need to understand the proper scientific way about doing your training. Learn the correct form get enough rest and don't go to failure on every set.
4. You shouldn't listen to your parents all the time. You got to understand that our parents grew up at a different time than us and they haven't grown up with YouTube and Blogs and all these scientific concepts around them. Learn and educate society.

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When you dance your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.
Outfit Details -- 
Red Lines Button Down
White Chinos
White Sneakers 

I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour.
Outfit Details -
BALR. Hoddie
Black Tracks 
White Athleisure Shoes

If you have medium to long size hair, you already know how to have your hair on point all the time, that's tough. It takes a lot of time, it takes technique, and for it to be on point every day, it's almost impossible, but over the years, I learned how to style our hair properly.
Tips and tricks, you can do little secrets you can do to make sure your hair is always on point.

1. Replace your comb for a brush. I used to make this mistake when I first started to grow my hair out would only use a comb to style my hair, the problem with the comb is that it's flat so it makes it very hard for you to get maximum volume like you would with the quality bores hairbrush. Not to mention that using a comb to untangle your hair, especially when it's wet pulls and damages it, unlike a brush that is more gentle and avoids the split ends and the fridge.
2. You must make sure that your hair is straight. I have naturally wavy and curly hair it's a bit coarse, and while I do love it sometimes other times I don't want something a little bit more sleek the waviness makes it unmanageable, and there are flyaway hairs everywhere this is why having straight hair it just makes things easier as soon.
3. Make sure your hair is nourished if your hair's not healthy; it's not going to perform like you want it to because your hair is just an extension of your body. So not only should you shampoo it and condition it, but on top of just doing those basics, you should use nutrients in your hair. Also, use of settling spray (for making your hair nutrient rich) which you can think as is style. You must use Coconut oil or Moroccan oils that stuff, you can get at your local grocery store, which makes your hair nourished and makes your hair silky and it's great.
4. You want to ease up on the amount of product use. There's a mistake that we all tend to do including me before, I used to think the more product I would use the more it would hold but it gets to a point where that logic just starts working against you and all that product only weighs your hair down and makes it flat for me which keep in mind my hair is a bit unruly I used two tiny amounts.

First, I use it before I start bloodying or applying any heats then once my hairstyle into place I grab a little bit more again I don't use a lot to kind of lock-in all the hair fibers anything more than that your hair's going to start weighing down.
5. Make sure you deep clean your hair at least once every Two Weeks. Make sure you deep clean your hair and cleanse it because many times after using your regular shampoo product on your daily basis or every other two days you still leave a little bit of product residue, oil, dirt, and your hair strands. This starts building up and ways your hair down it makes it feels real dirt makes it hard to achieve maximum volume and give you that great hairstyle.
Related image
Deep Clean Your Hair !!!
So, once a week, use a deep cleansing shampoo and wash your hair that day two or three times to make sure you get everything out. Your hair is going to be a little bit dry at this point when it's done, but you're going to instantly see how much lighter and cleaner your hair feels and immediately you're going to want to condition it and then after you some nourishing product to make sure you will be hydrating it since you just stripped everything, but once it's done it's going to feel so clean you're going to be able to style it into anything you want perfectly.

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There are only two things you need to achieve success 
1. A Clear Focused Goal 
2. Unlined Energy To Achieve That Goal 
But the worst part about being a human being is that you limit yourself more often than you'd know. Everyone's got that ultimate goal in their head everyone has that ability to work harder than they've ever worked in their life, but everyone's also got those four or five other things going on inside them maybe you fought with someone, perhaps you're stressed about something. 
Whatever it is it's happened in the past or very likely hasn't even happened yet but, we still worry about all these things in the present moment. Your mission in life is to create an environment that allows all the internal Energy and all the internal focus inside you to sprout out into something beautiful. 
This environment builds in silence. Before creating some noise in the world, you've got to create some silence within yourself priming. 
Priming is the process of getting ready for the beginning of your journey. It should be full of silence, and the silence is what magic is born. If you begin your day by somehow fooling your mind into thinking that your life is only about that ultimate goal and nothing else, this hot sets a tone for how you live out the rest of your working hours.
You can choose to exercise, you can choose to meditate, you can choose to spend ten minutes with yourself in complete silence, but in that period of time brush off all those other worries. In this period, it's you against yourself, switch off from every additional stress you have and focus on what's inside your mind. In the real world you find people who doubt you people, who hate your guts, but while you're priming yourself you'll only find yourself, and that's what really matters and what they say means nothing, but what you say to yourself in silence sets our tone for your life outside of your primary session. 
Here is the real challenge and you're going to let your focus and your Energy be affected by those four or five other things or all those doubters who hate and doubt you or are you going to go deep inside yourself beyond all these layers of doubt and distraction and find yourself.
Prime and conquer, it's just the start of your life.
Make Impossible, I'm Possible. 😎

Instagram @mondayfashion7

The top ten quick and easy tips to achieve happiness in life. This is also the first blog from our mental fitness series. Developing your physical body is only half the game one, but what about your overall happiness levels in life, your peace levels in life your communication skills, your ability to understand other people, your ability to succeed, and hustle in life.
The Ten Quick and Easy Tips To Achieve Happiness...
1. As most of you can predict constantly moving your body is what your body is meant to do. 
A regular amount of exercise will make your body move forward, and if you don't make your body move forward, it's not going to stay in the same place it's going to move backwards. 
The second important factor that a lot of people don't talk about much is meditation, just like exercising works your body in meditation works your mind. Those are the two most important things that you can do for yourself as a human being.
2. Learn from the successful people the people who've been through everything in life. remember, you're surrounded by several people and about one to 10% of those have become successful in life. Podcasts, Video Interviews, Written Interviews. 
Learn how successful people work, how successful people think and learn how they live out their life. you've gained a lot from podcast get into a habit of listening to a podcast.
3. Perceptions. 
Two kinds yourself perception and the way people perceive you your self-perception is the most important thing you can carry into any room because if you look at yourself as a loser than people are going to look at you as a loser but if you perceive yourself as a winner boom!! People look at you as a winner.
That's one side of things the way you look at yourself ,but the other side of things is how people look at you and unfortunately in the superficial world that we live in that boils down to your external appearance, how you dress up, how you carry yourself, how you interact with people your etiquette your manners. work on both these factors, and it's going to change your world in terms of happiness.
4. Priming yourself, that's preparing yourself at the beginning of a difficult situation or a difficult day in your life. This is also the most people go wrong because on difficult days they go in with the mentality of being a victim or trying to conquer something, instead of going with the mentality of a winner, going to the mentality of a conqueror. 
Take ten minutes at the beginning of your day maybe fifteen minutes of the beginning of your daily exercise, meditate or just spend that time with yourself and tell yourself that you're capable of conquering that particular situation or day in fact you can do this every single day treat like a mission that you're down to accomplish.
5. Life is like a videogame, 
in a video game you try levelling upend at each level up your brain releases a bit of dopamine that's a feel-good hormone if you create your life like a video game, if you have a long-term goal constantly, and you're constantly working towards it every time you achieve a little bit in that whole process of achieving that long-term goal, it gives you a dopamine kick it gives you a few feel-good hormones and that feel-good hormone is what will keep you happy event your lowest points in life.
6. Before diagnosing yourself with depression or sadness. First make sure that the correct people surround you, never ever let people's opinions affect you especially if someone telling you that you can't do something they usually just putting themselves in your place and figuring man I wouldn't be able to do this thing that this person is doing so how the hell is this person trying to achieve that impossible act. 

The second thing you've got to keep in mind is that usually, human beings are negative for one of two reasons either they're going through some negativity in their own lives and that excess negativity is coming out on you or the second options if they're just negative people in general. You know those people who always see things about other human beings or situations. kinds of people you want to cut them off completely remember you are an average of the five people you choose to hang out with the most and if a lot of those five people are negative people foregoing to turn into a negative person choose wisely.
7. Learn to switch off completely practice the state of mindfulness. 
When you're working be 100% into your work but when you're outside and when you're having fun be 100% in the fun don't think of work don't think of the stresses you have in life only focus on the fun, if a question about work arises in your brain push it down intentionally switch off from your works practice the fun.
8. Learn how to balance your demons every single human being like some demon that they turn to for fun whether that's television, PlayStation, alcohol, cigarettes maybe all these things are bad for you in some way or the other. 
Firstly acknowledge that fact and secondly limit yourself with those demons. If you feel like something is affecting you very badly say something like cigarettes some of the demons needs to be gotten rid of completely or minimized completely but if it's something less harmful like PlayStation then learns how to balance out your demons with the rest of your life. 
person holding game controller in-front of television
Always have fun with your demons but never let them take over the rest of your life let any demons become an addiction.
9. It's gratitude. Every single day beware of what life has given you remember if you're using the phone, or you're using the internet you're probably in the Top 10% of all human beings in the world from a financial perspective.
Technology and a financial cushion is something that a lot of people are denied in life first be aware of that fact appreciated the much more bless than you can imagine but if you still can't understand this concept of gratitude the easy solutions that every single morning when you get up the first words that leave your mouth should be a thank you, not the God not of the universe but to the life you've been given you a much more blessed and much luckier than you give yourself credit force aware of that and be happy in the happiness that you've been given.
10. This shall help you a lot of advanced meditation courses there is a kind of meditation that you can do at home, but there are some forms of meditation which will your life forever, and for those kinds of meditations you need to go to an actual centre and learn that kind of meditation.
See You Later.....

Gray for days.
Outfit Details --
Black Check T-Shirt / Black Puffer Jacket
Black Torn Jeans
Cream Chelsea Boots